Noboyoshi Nagai
Tohoku Chuo Church

Holding the Olympic and Paralympic Games during the COVID pandemic is a challenge that no other country has faced. Ten years ago, at the time of the Tohoku triple disaster, much prayer and support was offered for Japan from around the world.

This summer, please once more remember Japan in your prayers. I wholeheartedly endorse this movement for us to live out God’s word, “I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority” (1 Timothy 2:1), and to pray not just for the organizers of the Games, but for the athletes taking part, and for all those living in Japan.

Yoshiya Hari Asian Access Japan, National Director
Yoshiya Hari
Asian Access Japan,
National Director

Holding the Olympic and Paralympic Games during the COVID pandemic is a challenge that no other country has faced. Ten years ago, at the time of the Tohoku triple disaster, much prayer and support was offered for Japan from around the world.

This summer, please once more remember Japan in your prayers. I wholeheartedly endorse this movement for us to live out God’s word, “I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority” (1 Timothy 2:1), and to pray not just for the organizers of the Games, but for the athletes taking part, and for all those living in Japan.

Shigenori Oshima
Shigenori Oshima
Hatogaya Evangelical Free Church

Holding the Olympic and Paralympic Games during the COVID pandemic is a challenge that no other country has faced. Ten years ago, at the time of the Tohoku triple disaster, much prayer and support was offered for Japan from around the world.

This summer, please once more remember Japan in your prayers. I wholeheartedly endorse this movement for us to live out God’s word, “I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority” (1 Timothy 2:1), and to pray not just for the organizers of the Games, but for the athletes taking part, and for all those living in Japan.

Paul Yokota
Paul Yokota
Jesus Christ Church in Japan Fukuoka Church

Holding the Olympic and Paralympic Games during the COVID pandemic is a challenge that no other country has faced. Ten years ago, at the time of the Tohoku triple disaster, much prayer and support was offered for Japan from around the world.

This summer, please once more remember Japan in your prayers. I wholeheartedly endorse this movement for us to live out God’s word, “I urge then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority” (1 Timothy 2:1), and to pray not just for the organizers of the Games, but for the athletes taking part, and for all those living in Japan.

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